Swasti Singh, Class 7, Bombay Scottish School, Powai, Mumbai
The sparkling, foamy and white water rose into tiny ripples and joined its still, teal, bobbing friends. More tides rose and disappeared as the little cruise boat sailed across the gleaming ocean. Schools of fish raced along with the boat. Colourful and vibrant corals stood out clearly, and stood there, proud of all the attention they were getting by the tourists on the boat. All the tourists eagerly looked forward to the peaceful, appealing white sand, the glistening cerulean ocean and the cool holiday resorts.
Social Media had made our destination more popular than it already was. The generation of 2020 was ecstatic to visit the photos in real life. Before I got on board, I had expected to get seasick and not be able to see the seals lying on the rocks along the shore. I thought I would only feel well when we went through a fjord with no mountain goats or any animal on it. Instead, I did not get seasick and even got to see a lot more things than I had expected.
All the tourists on board took a billion photographs of the roaring seals, vivid corals, brilliant marine life, hundreds of bleating mountain goats, lavender clouds and the sun setting down at the emerald horizon. The most exciting event for me in this journey, though, was when a baby dolphin sprang out of the water, did a few flips and splashed back in.
Experiencing the dolphin showing off his tricks was the best event that happened on our trip to Hawaii. After this thrilling first overseas journey, judging that this was my first journey overseas, I was anxious for more of these trips across the world, that were yet to come. The delightful cruise was truly a splendid experience.