A Pinch of Salt

Rishabh Kumar, Class 5, Vasudev C Wadhwa Arya Vidya Mandir, Bandra East, Mumbai

Ten years of my life have passed by,
And I heave a heavy sigh!
If there is something I have learned from all these long years,
It is to listen with both of your ears.
Wide open, to the guide on how to play the game of life,
How to stay away from the diabolical clutches of strife,
A ripe fruit, hanging vividly from midair,
You jump for it, but miss wildly; your brain yells it isn’t fair…
Life is where crossroads meet, expand and leave you with many choices,
“Take me, take me, luck follows me!”, whisper the numerous voices.
Angelic daisies fluttering in the wind, basking in the perfect glare of the sun,
Doing nothing all day except having fun,
But as they aged, they withered, and they remembered their attitude when they were young,
And from their minds, the tentacles of despondency sprung,
A boy studying endlessly, as his friends, relatives obsecrate him to stop the act,
He grows older, and can’t even decide whether reality is concrete or abstract,
Do you want to be like the angelic daisies enjoying the glare of the sun or the unsuccessful boy?
Carve your own path in life, work hard, but at the same time do what brings you joy!
You can probably succeed in life with average skill too,
But if you add phenomenal will to that, there’s nothing you can’t do.

February, 2025

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