Exoplanet with No Atmosphere  

In a recent observation, astronomers found that an exoplanet known as GJ 1252 b, which was discovered in 2020, might have very little or almost no atmosphere.

November 16, 2022

In a recent observation, astronomers found that an exoplanet known as GJ 1252 b, which was discovered in 2020, might have very little or almost no atmosphere. Astronomers used the now-retired Spitzer Space Telescope to measure the exoplanet’s infrared radiation.

As per scientists’ observations, GJ 1252 b’s dayside temperatures went beyond 1,228˚C, but it has a surface pressure of less than 10 bar (Earth’s surface pressure is approximately 1 bar). Due to low surface pressure and very high temperatures, scientists believe that the exoplanet may have very little or no atmosphere at all.

Did You Know?
The hottest exoplanet observed is KELT-9b. It possesses a surface temperature of 4,300˚C!

Image Source: exoplanets.nasa.gov
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