My Blue Phoenix

Anvi Sharma, Class 6, Trio World School, Bengaluru

This Wednesday, I was reading a book
It was the only direction I was going to look
Then a creature, through my window, it flew
I saw a Phoenix, but it was blue!

It looked majestic with long, fiery wings
It’s deep, blue eyes were telling me something
I felt bad as it was rejected
For not being red, it felt neglected.

I gave it protein bars and stroked its feathers
Which were Oh, so blue, like today’s pleasant weather
Its tears were like diamonds, like stars in the night
We would smile together, making my heart feel bright.

One fine day, its bullies came back
They started teasing my Phoenix, and broke my racks
Of precious books and precious stuff
The blue bird snapped; it became tough!

Death-staring them with bright blue eyes,
Counter-attacking their abuses, insults and lies
In one final screech and a blinding light
Dissolved into ashes from a great height!

A moment later, I felt deep sorrow
My dear friend would not see tomorrow
A second later, the ashes started rising
And majestically began solidifying!

Now my Phoenix, as strong and beautiful as ever,
Became mature, unlike the others, who would never
The other phoenixes, shades of yellow and red
Squawked and flew away, so, with that being said,

My blue phoenix, now named Heather
Taught me that beauty isn’t shown through feathers
This unique blue bird will always fly high
Always adding colours to the bright blue sky!

March, 2025

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