When Gravity Rebels

Jyotsna Gangamma PN, Class 6, KALS School, Kodagu

One fine morning, I woke up
I stretched my arms—suddenly!
I floated up into the air,
My socks and shoes flew everywhere!
The table, the chairs, the tea pot all took flight,
My poor old cat mewed in fright!
My school bag zoomed across the room,
books and pens came out—BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
Outside, the cars were upside down,
The people floated through the town!
“Help me, help me”…they cried out loud,
As birds flew above the crowd.
The leaves and flowers fell apart from the trees,
Fish flew out of all the ponds and seas,
we all went up and the moon came down.
I laughed and laughed my heart out.
Then suddenly—THUD! I hit the ground,
I slowly opened my eyes and looked around.
Looks like I had just been in a dream…
Or was it real? You tell me, friends!

February, 2025

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