Sulochanadevi Singhania School’s Parents’ Day Celebration

Sent by Sawinee Mukherjee, Class 6, Smt Sulochanadevi Singhania School Thane

February 16, 2025  

My school organised many interesting and delightful events during the academic year. However, my favourite event was the Parents’ Day 2024 event celebrated on November 14. It took place at Gopalvan, the open-air theatre within the campus of our school. 11 divisions of class 6 presented a variety of themes revolving around the main theme, ‘Emotions’. Everyone looks forward to the Parents’ Day programme because the narration, dancing, acting and singing are performed by our school’s students, the Sulonians. The coordinators and teachers guide and support us in script development and finalising the entire programme. When the day dawns, we take over the stage with our smiling faces and vibrant costumes. The theme assigned to our division this time was ‘Joy in Punjab’. We had been practising for the dance for a month and were extremely excited about this special day. When it was our turn, we performed a joyful performance and rocked the stage. Our performance was followed by engaging performances from other divisions. This year’s Parents’ Day celebration was special to me as it marked my first dance performance on stage. I love taking part in such incredible school events. They make our school the best place on Earth. 

Girls Performing the Giddha

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