The Day My Pencil Rebelled

Hanishka Soni, Class 5, CNM School, Mumbai

My brave pencil, amber-striped yellow,
Running up to me, he squeaked, Hello!
In trance, I’d watch him pirouette in glee,
The next second, he’d get up and flee!
I chased after him, stumbling and falling,
But he darted fast, destiny was calling.
He zoomed through the lively bushes,
Scattering many insects and thrushes.
He dashed through the deepest forest,
Where trees and grass were nourished and flourished.
He escaped the tiger’s deadly jaws,
With only a scratch from its claws.
He made a house on a stranded island,
Not even the slightest bit frightened.
Made it with sticks and straw,
But that thunderstorm, I wish he foresaw.
He hid with me under a tree,
I caught him as he tried to flee.
‘For heaven’s sake, let me be!’,
He complained as I took him home gleefully.
Now he lies in my pencil box,
Lost in his adventurous thoughts.
He dreams of escaping once more,
And will dream to, forevermore.

February, 2025

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