Largest Waterfall in the World 

The largest waterfall in the world called the Denmark Strait Cataract stands at a height of 11,500ft and is situated in the Arctic Circle.

February 01, 2025 

The largest waterfall in the world called the Denmark Strait Cataract stands at a height of 11,500ft and is situated in the Arctic Circle. This waterfall, found underwater between Iceland and Greenland, surpasses the height of the tallest waterfall on land, called the Angel Falls in Venezuela. As this huge natural marvel is situated underwater, it is entirely out of sight. It has a width of 480kms and is believed to have come into existence in the last Ice Age. Though it is not visible, this waterfall affects the Earth’s climate, ocean circulation and environment. 

The Niagara Falls, situated in North America, comprises three waterfalls—the Bridal Veil Falls, the Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls. 

Angel Falls in Venezuela
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