Heritage Xperiential Learning School Hosts Khoj Programme

Sent by Shanaya Kapoor, Class 7, Heritage Xperiential Learning School, Gurugram

January 16, 2025  

Our school organised an Outbound Khoj programme to Ranthambore in Rajasthan for students of class 7 in November. This outdoor learning programme, which lasted for four days and three nights, promoted confidence-building and community service through cultural exchanges and engagement with schoolchildren from villages. We had the opportunity to organise various games for the village children, which was fun. These activities inculcated leadership and team spirit in us. Additionally, they improved our problem-solving skills. During this trip, we also learnt about tiger conservation and wildlife preservation through a jungle safari. The highlight of the trip was spotting a tiger and other animals during the safari. Furthermore, we enjoyed a variety of adventure activities including Burma bridge activities and wall climbing, which promoted resilience and physical fitness. Our trip also included a talk by a wildlife expert and an astronomy expert. Our programme concluded with a ‘Closure and Gratitude Circle’ activity, which involved expressing our gratitude to a friend, teacher or staff member on a flower-shaped cut-out. 

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