Melting of Arctic Ice   

Based on studies and projections, expedited ice melt because of climate change could lead the Arctic region to witness its first ice-free day by the year 2030.

January 16, 2025 

Based on studies and projections, expedited ice melt because of climate change could lead the Arctic region to witness its first ice-free day by the year 2030. According to scientists, the ice in the region has been melting at an extraordinarily fast pace, with the sea ice experiencing a decline of 12.6% per decade in the past four decades. For their study, scientists used climate models to monitor and predict the changes in ice in the Arctic Sea from 2023 to 2100. Based on their evaluations, it was found that under certain circumstances, the region could encounter its first ice-free day starting 2027. Scientists have attributed this environmental crisis to rising greenhouse gas emissions. 

Watch this video to learn about melting Arctic ice and its effects 

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