Being a Teenager

Gagan U, Class 8, Acharya Vidyakula Mysore, Karnataka

Being a teenager is no less than a nightmare,
With emotions running wild, and lots of body hair.
I miss my life when it was simple,
Oh god! Is that a pimple?!
One moment I’m happy, one moment I’m sad,
One moment I’m calm, one moment I’m mad.
I always produce so much sweat,
That everything I wear is always wet.
Dear god, can’t you see?
These changes are too much for me.
My belly is too fat, my nose is too big,
I am so short, I look like a twig!
Going to school makes me rejoice,
Wait! What happened to my voice?
I am turning into someone that I have never seen,
Saying harsh words which I never mean.
Why has life become so tough?
The bullies at school are so rude and rough.
Here I lay crying on the rug,
When all I ever needed was a long, warm hug.
Although it makes me sad,
Puberty is not that bad.
Throughout all the sad and angry moments, I could not see,
That the purpose of puberty is to build a better me.

November, 2024

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