In the World of Imagination

Tia Anand, Class 5, Shri Ram Millenium School, Noida

My dream, back in the day, was to go to the beaches of Goa! So, when my parents decided to go to Goa on my birthday, it was like music to my ears. Even though there was one month left for my birthday, I was super exited! And the days slipped by, and all too soon it was the night before the trip! I was way too sleepy with all the excitement around prepping for the trip. So, the moment I hit the pillow I fell asleep. Surprisingly when I woke up, I was already in the flight and was about to reach Goa. When we finally made it out of the busy airport, we went to our hotel, dropped off the bags and left for the beach.
When we finally reached, I ran towards the sand, eager to play with it. My parents were glad to see me so happy and then they sat on the deckchairs next to me. I started making random things with the sand, at first, my creation looked like nothing. But slowly, it started to look like a boat! As a final touch, I added a seashell. I stepped back to admire my work, it looked so funny that I laughed! Its uneven rims, and rough, looked so silly that it was funny! After I finished laughing at it, I tried to smash it since it’s only sand, but it did not break! So, I sat in it to test its strength, but the moment I sat down on it, the water swept me and the sand boat away! Almost immediately, a strong wind blew and I went overboard! I realized I can breathe under water! My reflexes told me to go back to the surface, but something stopped me, so I waited for a while. I don’t know what I was waiting for, but I knew something will come and on cue, two seahorses appeared. They looked depressed, I wanted to ask what’s wrong. As if reading my mind, the seahorse said he wanted help, and so I followed them down. What I saw took time to register in my mind, for I saw the most magical scene. But before I could gasp, my focus changed and my eyes landed on a cage which seemed to hold the king and queen of this magical wonderland, but they seemed to be looking at a person who looked like a thief. He wore black bandana and had blue piercing eyes, still he looked like he came from a Halloween party. I wanted to laugh, but I knew better. The seahorse pointed towards the cage and said to release the king and queen. An idea hit me like a shooting star, it was dangerous but possible. I whispered my ingenious plan to the seahorse. The seahorse nodded and smiled nervously, the plan went in action, and in the blink of an eye a hologram of gold appeared and immediately the greedy thief bent down to try to snatch the hologram of gold. And when he bent, the keys of the cage that the king and the queen where held hostage, fell down. And in a flash, I bent to pick up the key. And swam towards the cage and unlocked it, the king looked beyond grateful. He touched the thief’s bewildered head and the thief immediately swam away as fast as he could! The king thanked me and the seahorse repeatedly. He gave me a necklace with the seashell that I had put on my boat. Before I could ask how he got it, because he just made it out of the cage, he smiled, and I found myself drifting off to sleep.
When I woke up, I sat up and saw that I’m still in
my bedroom back at home. For a second, I was stunned, then I realized I had dreamed the entire rescue-the-king-and-queen thing. Then I felt weirdly wet and touched myself. Yikes! I was drenched! “Must be sweat” I thought aloud.
But my thoughts changed when I touched my neck only to feel a necklace, I removed it and saw this is the necklace the king gave me! I gave a tiny scream, but it must have been loud because my mom swung her neck through the door to make sure I was alright. “Get ready quick we are leaving for the airport in 15 minutes, and my god I was scared when you shrieked! Did you have a bad dream?” My mom said. “A bit more than a dream.” I muttered. My mom did not hear me and gave one last “get ready” reminder and left. Well, things moved fast after that, and I was thrilled to see the sand again! We celebrated my birthday, and I made sure not to make any more boats out of sand!

October, 2024

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