The Mango Tree

Samriddhi Jain, Class 6, Billabong High International School, Bhopal

The mango tree played a crucial key role
Which grew like a treasured stone
With the heavenly essence it carries around
With its branch thick and brown
The Cattles and monkeys which twirl about
The mangoes which we lay down and count
The treasured gold is the mango
Tasty, enriched with delight and Charm
Ripe, freshly plucked from the farm…
Who does love summer,
Without the king of Fruit.
When you eat it’s delectable, juicy pulp,
Of this heavenly fruit….
You are sure to be mesmerized
With its enchanting Sweetness,
It is a gift from God
To the summer’s delight
Let us keep it on
By eating more mangoes tonight…

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