Feeling Left Out 

By Rhea Hejmadi, Class 7, Finland International School, Thane

How often do you feel left out? I’m guessing, a lot of times. The reasons for feeling left out can vary. Your friends might not be willing to add you in their group or maybe your family is going to meet your cousins in your native place but you can’t go along because you have your exams. Or maybe somehow you fall sick just before a party that all your friends are going to. Trust me, I know how all of that feels, but do you know what the worst type of feeling left out is? 

It’s when you’re in a room filled with people you know, but you still feel left out. There are a lot of people in the world who might be feeling lonely even with their best friends by their sides. 

Being alone can be a choice; sometimes you want some me time so you tell the people around you to leave you alone. Lonely, on the other hand, is never someone’s choice; it’s something that happens to everyone; it might be because of your friends or cousins or family. 

Whenever you feel lonely, the best thing you can do is either distract yourself by doing something you love, so that you can keep your spirits up. The other way is by going up to the person that is making you feel that way and tell them that you don’t like it, or like some of my best friends, just walk away from that situation, and when you walk away, imagine yourself deleting whatever loneliness and anger you were feeling in that room and go on with your day, with a smile on your face. 

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