
Vaari Seth, Class 7, Mary Immaculate High School, Mumbai

Owley, Owley, stay away.
Owley, don’t you come today.
All the hunters come in May.
Owley, Owley, stay away.
Owley, you’re such a little owl,
You don’t fly when the werewolves howl.
You’re lost in a big-big world.
Owley, you’re just a little girl.
Owley, Owley stay away.
All the trees aren’t gonna stay.
Owley, the world is changing, dear.
If you want me I’ll be here.


This poem is inspired by the ‘Little owl’ – Europe’s smallest owl, scientifically known as “Athene Noctua.” It is among the endangered species.

August, 2024

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