The Universe of Sports

Rishabh Kumar, Class 5, Arya Vidya Mandir, Bandra East, Mumbai

Sports can be played by people of any kind,
But they can also lead to grievous injuries, just you mind.
Some sports are idyllic and do not in the least require moving from place to place, like chess,
This is my favorite game as it helps us to become a visionary in the future and I feel that it is flawless.
Some more violent sports include hockey, tennis and prominently, cricket and football,
But these sports involve playing out in the sun,
which is good for your immune system after all!
Table tennis prides itself on being the sport which is exactly in between ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Secure’,
Because, to play this sport, you don’t have to let down your guard or play with too much of rigor.
As far as I can remember, swimming has never been my cup of tea,
I assume that I have hydrophobia and whenever I see the portentous liquid pool, I feel like I want to flee!
Others have convinced me that it is safe to take up this sport and quit whining,
But, instead, I defend my views by retorting that there is the danger of suffocating and drowning.
India is home to some of the world’s most adroit and multifaceted players of hockey,
And about this fact, India is extremely proud but we should never be too egotistical and cocky!
Hockey requires immense focus because you need a stick for this convoluted game,
And if you perform lofty feats while playing this sport, you might even receive eulogy and worldwide adulation and fame.
Basketball is a game which requires hand and eye co-ordination,
This is a team game and requires the players to have height and elevation.
For this game, you need the power of teamwork and scoring ability,
Basketball is truly one of the most predominant and inspirational games in history, and that is the verity.
Last, but definitely not the least, is carrom, the game which requires dexterity and talent,
Because in this game, you need to be pinpoint, accurate and prudent.
Even one wrong touch can send the discs just mere inches away from the peripheral pits around the board,
The benefits of this game are that it may increase your concentration by threefold.
So, no matter whichever sport YOU play, just keep in mind that all of them help you in some way or the other,
Because inside you, radical finesses are all waiting patiently for you to discover!

June, 2024

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