The Black Spotted Bug – The Ladybug

Ishmann Singh, Class 4, Beacon High School, Mumbai

Here is the little ladybug as you can see,
It’s a beetle not a bug as it appears to me.
It’s a brightly coloured insect with mix of black,
And looks cute with spots on its back.
It flaps and flies with its little soft wings,
And you know the good luck it brings.
Her antennas smell and alarm danger,
Her knees squirt out and her claws go ranger.
Ladybug’s life, spans through a year,
And scientist discovered they don’t have an ear.
They eat their young ones and called as cannibals,
They don’t have teeth but have powerful mandibles.
They coined her name from the Lady,
She loves to rest and nest in shady.

June, 2024

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