My World

Aarav Trivedi, Class 5, Global Indian International School, Abu Dhabi

July, 2023

My world is turning into bits and pieces.
It is spinning with all different wishes.
My heart is heavy and barren.
In search of safety that feels like heaven.
The fear of a dark night.
In search of one light.
The flight that has left me on the runway.
No hope to see the broad way.
My heart is breaking again and again.
No one to help and let me go free from the pain.
Empathy in this world has left from so long.
No way for me to go along.
The road that is lonely.
No place to stay in between that makes you feel homely.
The unfolding reality is a nightmare.
I just need from everyone the love and care.
My world is turning into bits and pieces.
It is spinning with all different wishes.

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