Plant Fungus Infection

A 61-year-old mycologist in India was infected by a plant fungus called Chondrostereum purpureum, the first such case reported in humans.

May 01, 2023
  • A 61-year-old mycologist in India was infected by a plant fungus called Chondrostereum purpureum, the first such case reported in humans.
  • According to doctors, the fungus causes a disease called silver leaf disease in plants, because of which the leaves of a plant, particularly the rose plant, turn silverish in colour and the entire plant eventually dies.
  • The man who contracted the infection worked with a variety of fungi and mushrooms as part of his job. According to doctors, coming in close contact with the fungi caused him to contract the infection.
  • The symptoms of the infection included anorexia, cough, pharyngitis and a hoarse voice. On conducting tests, doctors also discovered the presence of an abscess in the patient.
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