New Type of Plateau Discovered 

A low-altitude basalt plateau that houses 76 species of shrubs and plants from 24 families has been discovered in the Western Ghats in Maharashtra by scientists at the Agharkar Research Institute in Pune.

March 01, 2023

A low-altitude basalt plateau that houses 76 species of shrubs and plants from 24 families has been discovered in the Western Ghats in Maharashtra by scientists at the Agharkar Research Institute in Pune. This plateau in Manjare village in Maharashtra is the fourth plateau type in the Western Ghats, the others being low-altitude laterite plateaus, high-altitude laterite plateaus and high-altitude basalt plateaus.

According to scientists, plateaus are rich in biodiversity. However, they possess environments that challenge the survival of species. Studying this plateau could provide insights into the effects of climate change on species.

Did You Know?
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which covers an area of approximately 25,00,000 sq kms, is the biggest and highest plateau in the world.

ACTIVITY: On High Ground

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