Harmony of Creatures

Siya Vikram, Class 7, Delhi Public School, Pune

Its a wondrous sight to behold,
Harmony of creatures that they uphold.
Nature’s gift spread far and wide,
Harmony of creatures is for sure their pride.
A lazy lion lurking amidst the forest,
An ethereal deer jumping across lakes.
Nature surely has a lot of zest,
Nature gives but never takes.
Animals ample and small,
Every imaginable sort of plant,
Each is short and tall.
Its a beautiful thing that nature grants.
There was a time when nature was green,
Its sad to say but now,
It has lost all its gleam.
The time has come to ponder to fix it how.
We must come together to save our Earth,
The problem we must not leave.
That every creature can live in mirth,
So harmony of creatures does not cease.

June, 2024

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